Debbie and myself recently visited the area of Asturias dropping in on Ian Morrison in Oviedo host of the 2008 Senior European Championships.
Ian currently plays for “Oviedo Booling Club” one of the many roller hockey teams who play in the town.
I photographed two of Ian’s matches, the first was Oviedo Booling v Biesca Gijón H.C. on Thursday evening in the 5,000 seat rink. At the end of this bullish match Booling were victorious with a final score of 7 – 3.
Saturdays match was more of a struggle for Booling missing a well deserved draw in a rink built half way up a mountain on the perimeter of Oviedo. The final score was 3 – 2 to current league leaders Centro Asturiano “A” placing Booling 6th in the league.
See the pictures of the two matches.

Saturday 24th March 2007
Bury 8 – 3 Grimsby
Letchworth 0 – 10 HBU (HBU claimed a 10 – 0 forfeit)
Herne Utd 5 – 5 Middlesbrough
Sunday 25th March 2007
HBU 5 – 4 Middlesbrough
Herne Utd 4 – 3 Grimsby

Weclome to the launch of our new Roller Hockey website links page. With its easy to read full colour page, we aim to have it updated with new websites plus deleting sites that become redundant.
The new page is set out in 5 sections, New sites, Organisations, Equipment, Websites and Past Events.
The “New Sites” section will incorporate all the new web addresses we find, then after a period of time will be incorporate them in to one of the other four sections for future reference.
Our “Organisation” part of the listing is dedicated to the main groups that administrate our sport throughout Europe and the world.
Suppliers websites of roller hockey equipment from around the world can be found in this section of our website page. Compare prices and see the new lines of equipment available.
Clubs and federations can be found grouped together under their countries which are accompanied by the counties flag. This will give easy access to visitors who do not speak English but can still navigate the page.
Finally “Past Events” lists Tournament and championships from the past enabling you to look up results and reports. As long as these websites remain live you can access data and see the pictures from the past.
Each of the individually listed Past Events are listed with the flag of country of origin
National League tables at 5th March 2007, National Div 1 to follow. (Awaiting match sheets from Halifax)
Premier League

National Div 2

Bury have now played Letchworth in their knockout cup qualifier at the Ross Peers Sports Centre in Soham. Bury were triumphant with a 5 – 3 victory over Letchworth last Wednesday. All this seasons senior cup qualifiers will have to be completed by 15th April.

Carlos Amaral, National Coaching Director, has announced the following
programmes for this months National training sessions.
SATURDAY 17th March
09:30-12:30 UNDER 13’s
12:30-15:30 SCHOOLBOYS
15:30-18:30 UNDER 15′s
SUNDAY 18th March
09:30-12:30 JUNIORS
12:30-15:30 LADIES

Saturday 3rd March 2007
HBU 4 – 2 Grimsby
HBU.CLS. 6 – 4 Herne Utd
Middlesbrough 6 – 7 Letchworth
Sunday 4th March 2007
HBU.CLS. 6 – 8 HBU
(A 10 – 0 forfeit has been awarded to Herne Utd due to a no show by Letchworth on Saturday 3rd February)